Hi Everyone!
So sorry for the late post! I got my blog days mixed up....
Well, not my blog days, but my days of the week. It says on my calendar that I'm blogging on Thursday.
Problem is, I thought it was still Wednesday.
That sneaky "everyone's off" day on Monday threw me off a day. Eeek! Have you ever done that? Had a long weekend and gotten all the days messed up? Glad I realized it was Thursday (Thank you Banditas!) because I'm supposed to get on a plane tomorrow to speak at the Ohio Valley RWA on Saturday!
(If you're in Cincinnati, and an RWA member at OVRWA, come check it out. I'm doing my body disposal workshop!)
So, here's the question of the day. I just entered a contest to win a room re-do. Free, of course, courtesy of Ballard Designs catalog. I was contemplating what room I would re-do and how.

I decided it would have to be the family room. Seriously in need of a design jolt-in-the-arm. And the prize was $10,000. I could do a lot in the family room with that kind of money!
What about you? Would you re-do the kitchen? A horrible pink bathroom? The living room? Your office?
What colors would you use?
Modern or traditional? Or eclectic? (a mix of all styles)
All new furniture or would your recover stuff you already have?

I posted this question on Facebook yesterday and had so much fun with it, I thought I'd post it here too and see what everyone had to say!Source URL: http://idontwanttobeanythingotherthanme.blogspot.com/2010/07/late-late-late.html
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