"Thanks for the research report, HB! I knew I could count on you to take my query seriously. Well, more or less..(Hey, and don't anyone out there believe that our Hobo here is the jerk with women he likes to make himself out to be.) "
Hey gang. Let it not be said that he hobo does not take any emails that you send to me seriously. I do, although I don't post them all, because, honestly they all aren't as interesting as this one...or the one in the previous post. I just thought that it would be a different chestnut to see dick measuring from another perspective, that's all. I know I do sound like a jerk sometimes, but like I say, nothing that comes from me is anything remotely original. Maybe my slant might be skewed because of my fucked up life and priorities, but largely, what I spout comes from men (and women) directly, they just don't have the nerve (or forum) to say them. I'm not defending a lot of what I'm saying, I'm just addressing that fact that such rhetoric is a necessary evil in today's world.
"Just want to make a comment from a female perspective though. Contrary to popular belief by men, or at least men with average to small dicks, more is not necessarily better." That's exactly what I try to espouse to my readers about human beings and their body parts in fucking general! Many times, to many people MORE is not better. Two aspirins can stop a headache rather fast, but ten does not turn you into Superman.
We learn these things later on in life that just because our eyes are bigger than our stomachs (or other organs), overindulgence is not to one's benefit. I try to say the same to women about men when it comes to their breasts. Some men are really freakish about their desire for a large busted woman. I mean, completely overboard to the point that reason fails to give a satisfying explanation.
In my case, to be honest, and I think most men share my sen- timents, more than a mouthful is a fucking waste. And I've had sex with women with the upper torsos of young boys, and I still had a helluvah time with them, and would do so again in a heartbeat. This same logic goes for legs, arms, muscles, height, weight and even looks. More of anything is not always better, no matter how much we may think otherwise.
But fair reader, thank you for helping us small dick dudes give the horn dick daddies out there bragging the finger. And I promise to paste this comment on the wall of my charter association the SSDA (The Small Sized Dicks of America). I'm sure that other men will find it heartwarming during this Christmas season.
Signed: African American Hobo with small dick needing Field Studies done upon.Source URL: http://idontwanttobeanythingotherthanme.blogspot.com/2010/12/how-long-is-your-proboscis.html
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