Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Melee Microgame Counters: Bell-Bottoms Spectacular

    Melee has a copyright date of 1977. Coincidentally, that is also the year that the movie, Saturday Night Fever, is released. Quite a few of the characters depicted on the Melee microgame counters seem to be sporting bell-bottoms, but I will let you be the ultimate judge.

    Here's a counter for the two-headed giant. Giants in Melee take up three hexes, which allows you to surround him with a greater number of figures. That's a good thing, because a single hit from a Melee giant is enough to kill most single-hex characters. He may be a brute, but this giant has excellent 70's fashion sense. Not only is he wearing some snazzy bell-bottoms, but his belt-buckle is the envy of the disco-hall. My only fear is that he will trip on those bell-bottoms and crush one of my characters.

    And here we have four figures, representing an archer, a crossbowman, a pikeman with shield, and a greatswordswoman. For most guys in the Melee universe, going topless seems to be very chic. The ladies are generally wearing pants, but weren't pant-suits cutting edge in the 1970's? I'll have to do a little Mary Tyler Moore research to confirm that for myself.
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