Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Message From the Hobo Sewer Man


    "Look Karin, I hate to tell you this but I don't read your complaints about this blog. I fact, no one cares about you here. We're trying our best to do what we have to do and it's very difficult with the Hobo constantly fucking with his medications. And he doesn't read any complaints. He just passes it to me or the HoboCryptMaster. And you know about him, right? So do me a favor. Take a flying fuck through a rolling doughnut. Or, better yet, go to a blog of your liking and stop coming here. The truth is we here all know, you are in love with the hobo, you just don't want to admit it. Ask him for his fucking digits and stop harassing me. I don't do shit here but shit. I wish you well getting laid."

    Stuk Deep
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