Sunday, November 1, 2009


    These are pictures of my boys in the back yard, way back at the beginning of October. Some of the leaves had started to fall, but the flowers were still blooming -- a stark contrast to today when nary a flower can be seen, and most of the trees are bare.

    Dylan takes the foreground in the first three shots, while Dante takes the background. I've always said that a good leader must also be a good follower (I'm not the only one to have ever said that, I'm sure).

    Even the mancatliest of mancats must be ready to take the subordinate position from time to time. A real mancat is not threatened by allowing someone else to have the spotlight, or to share in their glory.

    Finally, I was able to capture a close-up of each of these Mancats. The looks on their faces are demonstration enough of their forthrightness. The boys are always there to back each other up, whether they're in the back or the front. Baby, if you have a backbone, you've always "got back"! And you can't get more backup than that.

    Back at ya, later!Source URL:
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