Thursday, January 20, 2011

More Benches, Less Parks

    I hate to say it.

    I know that there are a lot of you that are going to hate me for saying this, but it has to be said, and it's not being done so lightly. New Jersey sucks. Yeah. Sucks so bad that horny assed men who haven't had sex in prison don't want a blowjob from New Jersey. The entire political set up of that entire state is for the fucking birds.

    Now, I'm not talking about the garden state. As a piece of property, there is nothing more beautiful as that fucking state. Beautiful sun rises, wonderfully lush landscapes, awesome homes and quaint neighborhoods. As a state it's worth a lot, but because of the greedy politicians that suck the literal blood from the fingers of their constituents, they make the entire state uninhabitable.

    And what is worse, the people in New Jersey bend over and take this ass-love willfully. This state has too many fat cats that get off from paying their fair share of taxes. They work very hard at redistricting so that they don't have to be taxed for underprivileged schools, food programs or housing. They make certain that you can't touch their dollars in taxes because of being allowed to hire shrewd tax attorneys so that they don't have to pay their fair share.

    Because of this, the only way that this crackpot state can turn a buck is through licenses, fees, taxes and fines. Oppressive and unrea- sonable fines and useless and arbitrary licenses, fees, taxes and fines.  It's a money grubbing state that nickel and dimes it's people until they are blue in the face and copper colored in the fists from gripping onto pennies to feed their families. New Jersey's politicians and bureaucracy are full of shit.

    I'm trying to get some legal docu- mentation straight- ened out. I want my old marriage certificate and even more desired, my divorce papers. Also, on top of all this, I want a reinstatement of my driver's privileges which these bitches have revoked. Well, you probably know the story by now. I was going broke. I had no money and I could no longer afford a lawyer to defend me against a DWI charge where they also racked up a bunch of fucking tickets along with the charge, because little piggy piggy has to put his kids through college.

    So not only do I have a DWI charge that sticks a two year revocation, of which I have done already, it also mandates six months in alcohol counseling. I've done a year! I'm ready mother fuckers. Oh, Hobobob, a cocksucker cop says with a finger in the air and a smile on his face. What about all those tickets? I know that they were only for about $50 or $100 dollars each and you have four or five of them, but every month you don't pay them, they double. Hee hee. So over five or six years, we're talking some thousands of dollars. And if you don't pay it, we'll just hold your license hostage.

    See, and because this is law, there is nothing you can do with this racket- eering shit. They have a legal scam, and a bankrupt state that perpet- uates it, and no one that will vote the senators, governors and mayors out of office that continues to back such a policy. This is madness and it's policy. So I'll have to live the rest of my life without my license because I can't cook up a million dollars to pay off these money grubbing officials in New Jersey. Too bad. I'm glad I live in New York city, because I don't need a license, but if I ever were to move, I would be shit out of luck.

    And that's what it means to be a hobo in a mater- ialistic world. People fuck for glamor. Get jobs because of prestige. Marry because of status, Drive cars because of cost. Stay faithful when it pays. Loyal when there is some value in it.

    And they stay in homes and drive cars, when they have money.

    Don't lose your job. Don't run out of money. The land of the Free and the home of the Brave will show you just how much you deserve to put you hand on your chest and pledge allegiance to your own flag. Trust me, it'll be both a shock and a hurt to you. This is OUR country, and we've sold her down the river to materialism.

    Goodbye Greatest Democracy in the World. Hello worldwide New Jersey.

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