Friday, January 21, 2011

thap gump – Twinned with a Burundi latrine

    thap gump is now officially twinned with a latrine (probably similar to the one shown above) in Giharo in the Rutana Province of Burundi. This is not perhaps a surprise to those who consider this blog to be a load of crap anyway.

    thap gump was twinned via an organisation called Toilet Twinning which has a serious function :s to fund sanitation projects in Africa.

    Access to clear water and safe sanitation is something we take for granted here. We are fortunate not to be among the 2.6 billion people who do not have access to such a basic need; and even luckier not to be one of the thousands who die every day because of unsafe sanitation.

    Good sanitation means people stay healthy, can go to school or earn an income – transforming lives and alleviating poverty. For every £1 spent on a water and sanitation programme, an estimated £8 is returned through saved time, increased productivity and reduced health costs.

    Toilet Twinning is a partnership between the charities Cord and Tearfund. The money raised through Toilet Twinning will be used by Cord and Tearfund to help some of the world’s poorest people access safe sanitation and clean water; and enjoy better health; go to school and work; and fund other projects to alleviate poverty around the world.

    I had not heard of Toilet Twinning until last week when I attended a lecture at the RSA and saw a twinning notice in one of their toilets. I hope that the money does some goodSource URL:
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