Sunday, August 15, 2010

Are the BNP in meltdown? Please say it’s so!

    Yesterday’Guardian reported that The British National party's sole representative on the London assembly has resigned the party whip. Richard Barnbrook (who lost his Barking and Dagenham council seat in May when the BNP were routed) is understood to have taken the decision in protest at the increasing tensions within the organisation.

    Barnbrook told the assembly he had resigned the BNP whip because of several serious allegations circulating within the party and has called for an "independent internal investigation" to be carried out before he returns to the fold. He is understood to remain a BNP member.
    Tensions have been growing since May's general election when the BNP failed to make its promised breakthrough, and the council elections where all but two of its 28 sitting councillors
    standing for re-election were beaten.

    "The BNP seems to be unravelling," said Nick Lowles from Searchlight. "Griffin has sacked or suspended over 30 critics and Barnbrook's decision seems to suggest the party is on the verge of full-scale revolt."

    Ah such news is music to my ears. I look forward to reading further stories of the BNP’s implosion with utter relish!Source URL:
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