Monday, October 6, 2008

Time For Nothing

    The Box is quiet. Igor is not in yet.

    Rob walks by and hands me a Slim Jim. "Here you go buddy," he says. I take it gratefully. I love these fucking things. I try to keep it for the morning since I ate already, but I can't. I give in to the narrow motherfucker.

    Jor-el walks in and walks out. He says nothing about his MP3 player. It's as if he's forgotten that he asked me to load music onto it. That's alright with me. I find my hard drive enclosure and insert my new hard drive into it. Hardware-wise it's perfect. But it's connector cabling is wrong. It's a female USB2. That's not good because the USB connector on my laptop is also female, and in the computer world, gay relationships do not work. I'll have to go to Radio Shack in the morning to take care of it. This bitch is becoming more and more of a problem.

    I call it a night after blogging.

    I pop awake, much like a PopTart. It's Twenty after Six. The lights are out, which confuse me for a moment, until I realize that it's Saturday and that they keep the lights out until 11:00AM so that we can sleep late. And sleep late everyone does. I get up, and notice that when I stay up until 11:30PM I wake around 6:00AM. Whereas when I go to sleep at 10:00PM I rise closer to 9:00AM. And I'm tired both ways. I never get a good night sleep. No matter what the fuck I do. I rise and do my exercise and make my bed. A tech walks through the dorm, calling for a smoke break. It's the only time that clients can go outside for a cigarette early before 7:00AM restriction is lifted.

    It raises the dead. Several of the clients rise woodenly from their beds and fall into line, leaving the dorm through it's center aisle. I sit and read for a few minutes before leaving and heading...well, if you don't know by now, then you are just reading this blog for the first time. You'll just have to guess. I head to a Radio Shack first, to see what time they opened. Time is important today because I'm hanging out with Bryan and it's hard on Saturdays to get to do anything early before the SHOUT OUT.

    There's just no time to IM, no time to lounge around in Starbucks. No time really to do anything. What I would like to do is get this part for my baby and see if I can get this new harddrive working because if I can't I'm just pissed away $130.00 fucking bucks. But time is not on my side and running about before and after 10:00AM seemed to be my lot in life today.

    The sky looks overcast and gray, it is a cool autumn day. Hey...that sounds like it could be a poem.

    I meet with Bryan at the Port Authority and he agrees to go with me to a nearby Radio Shack to look for the computer cable. Radio Shack doesn't have it. I move on to a computer parts store that I know has the damn cable. They do. We go for lunch and he goes into stories from of the last time that I saw him. Very engaging stuff that I really can't go into here, but it sounds like he's having one helluvah time. After I finish eating, my preoccupied ass has to open up my baby right there on the table, connect the external drive and check her out. The system 'sees' the USB connection, the light on the drive case comes on, I can feel the harddrive turning. On the screen, the USB port is checked and I'm instructed to reboot for the drive to become initialized.

    I reboot. In the middle of the reboot the battery fails and she goes into hibernation. FUCK!!

    I pack up my gear, and let Bryan know that It's time for me to leave and head to the Madison Avenue Starbucks to check on this harddrive, since we really didn't have much time to play 2142 together. We get there and I plug in my baby, go in and find that the drive is not working. I think it's the electronics of the case. Bryan has a case and swaps harddrives. IT works. It IS the case. Bryan offers to buy a new one for me, and we head off to the nearest store where I pick up a case.

    Time has run out for me though, so I bid Bryan a fond farewell and we head our separate ways. I head to the SHOUT OUT. Which had very few people but went surprisingly well. Afterwards, my brother and I retire at the fourteenth street Whole Foods where he treats me to dinner. We dine and talk until it's time for me to return to the Box.

    I return to the Box.

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